At this time, orders are only shipped within North America.
Please use the contact form if you would like to to arrange alternate shipping than what is offered on the site.
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Some not so fun, nitty gritty details:
- If an incorrect address is provided, and the package is not deliverable, you will not be reimbursed for product or shipping -- check those details!
- For untracked orders within Canada, please wait 4 weeks from shipping notification to reach out if your Safety Donut has not been delivered (Canada Post sometimes takes longer than their delivery standard) -- it stresses me out when y'all receive your Safety Donuts late too!
- For untracked orders within Canada, we are both taking on the risk of not requiring tracked shipping, so if your Safety Donut does not arrive after 6 weeks and you'd like another sent, you will have to pay for shipping costs again and I will cover the cost of the Safety Donut replacement -- I'm counting on all you rad cyclists being honest!